Videos are available for Chapters 1, 4, 7, and 8.
1.1 Case study: using stents to prevent strokes1.2 Data basics1.3 Overview of data collection principles1.4 Observational studies and sampling strategies1.5 Experiments1.6 Examining numerical data1.7 Considering categorical data1.8 Case study: gender discrimination4.1 Variability in estimates4.2 Confidence intervals4.3 Hypothesis testing4.4 Central Limit Theorem4.5 Inference for other estimators4.6 Sample size and power7.1 Line fitting, residuals, and correlation7.2 Fitting a line by least squares regression7.3 Types of outliers in linear regression7.4 Inference for linear regression8.1 Introduction to multiple regression8.2 Model selection8.3 Checking model assumptions using graphs8.4 Logistic regression